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FD3S Cluster-AEM CD7
FD3S Cluster-AEM CD7
STL file for an FD Cluster:
AEM CD7 centered and aimed at driver. the profile is recessed and has about 1-2mm clearance around the display.
I use 4,5,6mm heat inserts for the threaded holes on the back. you could use screws right into the plastic alternatively.
This File has the option for the headlight switch and Cigg
Important Disclaimer MUST READ:
This is for the purchase of an STL. File
once purchased and downloaded you are not eligible for a refund for obvious reasons.
If you are not satisfied with what you receive, please let me know where I miscommunicated exactly what is being sold here.
When you purchase this File you are agreeing to the terms and conditions that apply to all of my digital items listed.
You are prohibited from distributing or selling any STL or derivative of my original work unless specifically exempted by myself.
If I am informed that my work has been uploaded or is being publicly distributed, I will seek all appropriate legal action.
I know I cant keep everyone from sharing these, but consider the time and effort that I have poured into this work.
ALL FD parts are Mirrored. If a part cannot be mirrored during slicing or has specific files, I will let you know.
If you are concerned with a file being sold in RHD or LHD format, please understand that you can easily FLIP or MIRROR the X axis in most Slicers or Mesh manipulation programs before printing.